Uplyft Longevity Center
Welcome to the future you.
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Stem cell therapy
Stem cell therapy helps assist the body’s natural ability to repair and regenerate. Dr. Joy Kong was voted Top Stem Cell Doctor of the Year in 2019, and Top Stem Cell Doctor of the Decade in 2021.
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Ketamine therapy

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Brain Health
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Musculoskeletal Repair

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Hair Restoration
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Facial Rejuvenation

Sexual Wellness
Ozone Therapy
Respecting the body’s natural intelligence and working with such intelligence is the new way of medicine. Ozone therapy exemplifies such philosophy

said about me
We visited Dr. Kongs practice last year to Receive stem cells for my seven-year-old son with severe autism. I’ve researched stem cell therapy for years prior to receiving cells last year. Came across some extremely knowledgeable families that guided me right to Dr. Kong. From the very beginning of your initial call with the doctor she spends time with you thoroughly explaining stem cell therapy and why her lab is different from any other. We then felt very safe in the hands of her practice. Once we arrived they were extremely patient with Alex who has such a fear of doctor offices. Received the treatment and immediately within hours we saw a difference. He was able to without being prompted say hello to his grandmother. Remember Alexander is primarily nonverbal. So this was a big win. He was also able to color beautifully. which he was never able to do before. Much more alert, and his receptive language was immediately within that week a huge win as well. If you are lost or looking for something to help someone with autism or neurological damage. I highly recommend visiting Dr. Kongs practice.
Uplyft Longevity Center provided me a comprehensive list of healthful and cutting edge protocols and procedures. I am 74 years old and have not been healthier or more fit in my life playing two hour of tennis a day. The center is headed by Dr Joy Kong, who is a brilliant multi degreed physician who is also the most personal and patient oriented doctor I’ve ever met. The center is new and provides a beautiful and comfortable, safe setting. I would highly recommend Dr. Kong and the center to all.
I am very grateful for the treatment I received at this clinic! After my treatment I experienced many great effects and they continue to stay with me. I am now a regular visitor and get treatments about every 3 months for ongoing regeneration and longevity. Thank you for all you do Dr. Joy Kong and your amazing staff!